Kirk Haston attended Perry County High School in Linden, Tennessee.
Kirk Haston has a United States nationality.
Kirk Haston was born in Lobelville, Tennessee.
Kirk Haston played 2 seasons in the NBA.
Kirk Haston had career averages 1.2 points, 1.0 rebounds in 27 games.
Kirk Haston had career totals of 32 points, 27 rebounds, 8 assists, 6 blocks, 0 steals in 27 games.
Kirk Haston played for 2 NBA teams in his career - Charlotte Hornets (1988), New Orleans Pelicans.
Kirk Haston was drafted in the 1st round (#16 overall) of the 2001 NBA Draft by the Charlotte Hornets (1988).
Kirk Haston averaged a career high 1.7 points per game in 2001-2002.
Kirk Haston averaged a career high 1.3 rebounds per game in 2001-2002.
Kirk Haston averaged a career high 0.3 assists per game in 2001-2002.
Kirk Haston had a career PER of -1.3.